Start the day the way you want it to go
Are you finding your day as busy as ever, even though everyone is home you are still rushing around? Are you finding time for yourself to nurture and support yourself, to give yourself time to focus on what is important to you, uninterrupted? For most, the best time to have some uninterrupted time for ourselves is from when we wake up to when we actually get up, just as our day begins. Have you noticed how much you talk to yourself during that time, of waking and actually getting up, and what you actually say to yourself?
This is such an opportunistic time to ‘Seize the Day’.
As a way to seize the day rather than just let the same old conversation roll over in your mind, decide what you want to talk yourself 'into' for the day, instead of something like - ‘Here we go again, another day of the same chaos, it’s driving me crazy, I feel so stressed and tired.’ Talk yourself into how you want to be and feel -‘Today, I am going to go with the flow, things have a way of working out for me’. Even reading those two statements gives a completely different feeling, which leads to the second part of self-talk (affirmations) The second part of this self-talk is to feel it. Really connect in with the feeling of your affirmation eg: 'what going with the flow' feels like. For me going with the flow is light, takes the pressure off trying to control everything, stepping back, rather than micromanage seeing the big picture and trust that things will work out, even though it may not be how we may have expected or done it or the time frame we want it to, but things have a way of working out all the same. You may have a different experience or feeling around ‘going with the flow and trust’ – so it’s what resonates for you. What feeling and emotions come up for you, to match your affirmations and support you to set your intention to seize your day? It is so important to resonate, really connect with the affirmations, not just say them, the key is to really connect with them and make a commitment to yourself to not get out of bed until you do. If you find 10 is too many to say or connect with start with 5 or even 1 and really focus on it.
Really connect with your affirmations BEFORE you put your feet on the ground each day!
Below is a suggested list of affirmations to say & connect to each morning. I encourage you to say and connect with these (or your own affirmations) each morning for at least 10 days. After 10 days reflect on how you are navigating your day. Is it more in alignment with the messages you are supporting yourself with in the morning?
Hopefully you will be enjoying the experience and continue as a daily act of grace and gratitude towards yourself ......

10 Morning Affirmations
Repeat the affirmations 3 times before you get out of bed.
You may choose to record them so you hear yourself saying them to yourself aloud and keep your eyes closed as you connect.
Perhaps you may like to make it your alarm or place it on your "Home' screen on your phone so you see them easily (if you have your phone next to you over night)ake a long time to realise that we don't have to accept someone else's opinion or belief As I remind myself we All have the answers inside of us already, we just need a non-judgemental place and space to show up and share (even just to ourselves), saying it aloud is often a great way for us to allow our inner thoughts out, hear them and see where they fit…… or not.
Additionally by journaling at night it offers time to reflect what areas of life are connecting with your morning affirmations. Reflecting on the day through gratitude allows the emotions to become something solid you can reflect on, just a few minutes to support you to wind down from the day into a restful night sleep.
Hopefully you are encouraged to give this practice a go and feel how it lifts your day to live in the moment with ease.
I hope this find you and all your family and loved ones safe and well, physically, mentally and emotionally.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious and need to talk or share, please get in contact, I am available for a chat please feel free to contact me at sonja@innerpurpose.com.au or 0407 558 216.
If you are finding you would like to clear some old patterns, beliefs or frustrations you are facing that are keeping you stuck, I am still available to support you via online consultations as well.
With Love & Gratitude
Sonja Leon
Inner Purpose
Awaken your Inner Happiness, Be the Light for yourself & others
