Happy Easter to you and all your family.
May this find you and all your family and loved ones well and safe, physically, mentally and emotionally.
I wanted to wish you all a very Happy Easter, and may the Easter Bunny bring LOTS OF fun and joy.
In our house for years we did an Easter Hunt, the girls loved it, searching and finally finding all those little treasured eggs.
This Easter many of us may be searching, not for chocolate, but for new beginnings.
Easter is about new beginnings and along with the Pink Super Moon during the week, the energy is drawing us to look at the things we have not wanted to look at, things that hold fear, anxiety, stress, anger even sadness.
It is a time to sit with what is coming up, it may be overwhelming, uncomfortable and even enlightening at times progressing through it.
We are offered the present time to sit in the silence and reflect on what it is we want to move forward with, what is important, and what is no longer needed or wanted in our lives and release and de-clutter both our physical and mental/emotional space. The gift of this stillness and ‘going within’ is offering us the opportunity of new beginnings to find our flow and practice how we want to BE and show up in the world when we move into our ‘new normal’.
The gift of laying down expectation and assumption
One key area I have become very mindful of is letting go of expectation and assuming. I have consciously moved to being curious and asking questions, rather than offer what I think is the solution or the answer especially when it has not been asked for, it has been an interesting and enjoyable journey. Going with the flow, while still maintaining a healthy structure in life. Inquiring and being curious is an intriguing way to really engage and share in others thoughts and allow that to be enough. It has opened my eyes in many ways, listening more talking less….. and applying this to my own internal conversation as well, listening to what is, rather than fear and doubt. It has kept conversation open and for me, by staying in the inquiry I've found my girls share things I would never have been willing to share when I was their age for fear of being told, what or how I ‘should’ BE or DO something, which created a lot of internal conflict for me. When we share our inner self and are not accepted it can be a trigger of anxiety, fear and anger, essentially not being accepted for being ourselves. It can take a long time to realise that we don't have to accept someone else's opinion or belief As I remind myself we All have the answers inside of us already, we just need a non-judgemental place and space to show up and share (even just to ourselves), saying it aloud is often a great way for us to allow our inner thoughts out, hear them and see where they fit…… or not.
Thank you for coming on a reflective journey with me. I hope you are enjoying your own space, time and reflection too.
If you feel you need to talk or share I am available for a chat please feel free to get in contact at sonja@innerpurpose.com.au or 0407 558 216. If you are finding you would like to sort through some old patterns, beliefs or frustrations you are facing at the moment, I am still available via online consultations to support you.
With Love & Gratitude
Sonja Leon
Inner Purpose
Awaken your Inner Happiness, Be the Light for yourself & others