Supporting all affected by the bush fires in Australia
You are invited to come and join the free group meditations being held each Wednesday morning, 9.30 at Inner Purpose
The intention of the group meditation is to offer support, connect with each other and those we have not met yet affected by the bush fires, offering each other healing, love and support, which is felt more powerfully through being together.
We will focus our love and healing for ALL people, those who have lost their homes, been displaced, the firefighters, the volunteers all people impacted as well as the animals and Mother Earth herself. Focusing on healing as we come together and recognise that we are all one, bound by the universal energy.
Please confirm your attendance to assist in setting up our space. Very much looking forward to raising much needed healing energy together xo.
With Love & Gratitude
Sonja Leon
Inner Purpose
Awaken your Inner Happiness, Be the Light for yourself & others