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Allowing time to really connect with your Heart Light

Welcome Back

Diving deeper to really connect within

Welcome Back

It has taken awhile but we are now open for face-to face consultations. It has been a busy time since returning to clinic and I have loved it, although zoom is great, being in the same space and place is very special. During the quieter time I have had time to reflect on myself, what is happening in the world and also how to best be of service. With so much going on in the world and with the energy of the time really shifting and ‘rising up,’ with the focus moving deeper towards oneness through kindness, compassion and heart space, I have found it important to extend ‘standard’ session times, to really allow for you to fully explore and align with your own oneness, compassion and heart in your sessions. To not to be rushed, to allow time to release what is no longer serving you (pain), heal it and transform how you want to show up in the world.

Standard sessions will now be between 60-90 mins for adults.

This really allows for us to get to the heart of the issue and take the time to focus on recognising where the issue started, releasing it, replacing it with what you want and also time for reflection. Going deep in the session to really honour you making the time and commitment for yourself, your inner happiness and your passion and goals.

1 hour sessions will now be offered as more of a ‘maintenance’ style balance.

I will be offering these through personalised guided meditations. Initially we will talk and explore what is happening in your life, where do we need to focus our attention for the session. Then I will intuitively guide you through a meditation specifically for you, for what is current for you at the time. For you to see what it is that you are being guided to move forward with. Then we share what came up, so you have a clear understanding of what your meditation was guiding or clearing for you. I have been trialing these for a while and have found them to be very powerful, insightful and relevant. Connecting with what is occurring in your life and allowing your inner guidance to show you the information needed to support yourself, to understand it in your own way and support the change needed both in feelings around the situation and the action to take for it which can be applied to your life straight away.

Children - 1 Hour Sessions

Children sessions will remain at an hour. Children are able to process faster than adults generally, this also allows enough time to keep them focused within the session.

Create the life you love.

Time to start creating and putting into action

With so much occurring in the world at the moment the whole world as a collective is going through a deep awaken and as with moving anything that is old and well embedded, it is taking time to adjust but it is happening. 2020 really is breaking down old beliefs around environment, race equality, finances, and of course health, we really are at a time of deciding what to let go of and what to embrace and stand for, what we want and believe in moving forward. To be responsible for how we want to be and how we want the world to be, this movement is growing to find kindness for ourselves, each other and realising we are one, with each other and the planet herself. The last full moon is the start of a 20 month cycle where it is time to start creating and putting into action, what it is we want for our lives moving forward. It comes as no surprise then with this being the energy we are encompassed in, that there is so much movement and change occurring and it will continue for a while, as our future is being shaped for a higher vibration, oneness, nurture and taking care of nature. The Corona Virus itself is teaching us we are all connected. 'Black Lives Matter movement' is showing us that we are no longer willing to be suppressed by over controlling authority that does not support equality, sustainability and peace. It is a time to be responsible for ourselves and understand that each thought we have, each message we say is having an impact on the world, to heal and rise up or not. A great way to support ourselves each day, to let go of old beliefs, patterns or pain in yourself (or towards others) is to meditate, be 'Present' with yourself, (not thinking past or future) and of course my favourite 'Tapping' or E.F.T ( Emotional Freedom Technique). I talk about all of these in my Instragram and Facebook posts is you need reference material. If you are finding you need support to move the heaviness or pain around these old beliefs or patterns please connect with me and make an appointment at or 0407 558 216 so we can clear this together, as at times we need support to let go of the old or areas of life we don't understand and to reconnect with ourselves.

With Love & Gratitude

Sonja Leon

Inner Purpose

Awaken your Inner Happiness, Be the Light for yourself & others

Inner Purpose

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